A very important part of our service is to recognise how essential it is to maintain neighbourly relations on behalf of ourselves, as a building company, and on your behalf as the customer; who will have to, after the work has been completed and we have left, live side by side with those neighbours. Even the smallest of issues can lead to a big dispute or ongoing bad feeling between those neighbours and yourselves. This will of course mean you will not be able to fully enjoy that extra work and money that you put into your property. However in our experience this can be all avoided by simply ensuring a good level of communication and an understanding by us and our operatives of the rights of those neighbours to enjoy their property as a home, both for themselves and as a family.
As a considerate contractor we always ensure that we introduce ourselves to either your or the property’s neighbours and ensure we make them aware of exactly what we are doing and how it may affect them during the course of that work, we also advise them on all relevant contact telephone numbers and any issues that may affect themselves or their family’s Health & Safety during the course of the works.

Limewood Builders are also committed to minimising noise and dust migration to adjoining properties and to that end we ensure we take precautions to minimise these issues as it can be the biggest source of complaints to you as the property owner. In doing so we avoid loud noise during unsocial hours and ensure adequate damping down and other methods that are used to minimise the migration of dust.
Overall by undertaking this commitment to any affected locals we can ensure a smooth process to the work involved and ensure that your good relations with those affected locally does not tarnish your longer term relations with them and importantly the ability to relax and enjoy your property.