Limewood Builder’s offers a number of bespoke services to Landlord’s and Managing Agents, this includes responsive repairs plus cyclical and planned maintenance repairs, such as painting and window replacement to name but a few.
We can provide a custom package of works under a contract or agreement to provide any level of service to suit your property portfolio.
We have a wide range of experience working for and providing services to Councils and Housing Associations as well as private landlords regardless of their portfolio. This service can be made to suit your requirements and that of your tenants as well as your obligations as a landlord.

We can provide Landlord compliant certifications, such as Gas Safety Certificates and Electrical Certificates etc. We can also undertake required assessments such as Fire Risk assessments and Legionella Assessments.
On a day to day basis we can provide a response to repairs and arrange appointments with the tenants and undertake works to suit them. We strive to achieve a 95% ‘Right First Time’ approach to these day to day repairs and subject to the contracted service we can work on an agreed ‘Schedule of Rates’ or a job by job basis again depending on the agreed scale of service provision.
We can also provide quotations and tenders for any planned maintenance and programmed works this can be under tender process including those set out by JCT or under a ‘Partnering’ ethos or arrangement. We have experience in dealing with processes and guidelines set out by ‘The Public Procurement Regulations’ and those set out by the Housing and Communities Agency and Tenants Services Authority.

Limewood Builders also has a wide experience of working with Housing Associations and Affordable Housing Groups. We have through this experience developed working processes and methods to ensure we not only meet our commitment to those Groups or HA’s but also ensure that they meet their own obligations. As a company we have always found our relationships to be something we are proud of and find very rewarding at a social level.