Home Extensions Portsmouth

Environmental and Ecological concerns have come to the fore in more recent years and as well as the change in individuals own preferences to meet those concerns there has also been a more concerted effort by central and local government to ensure the building industry and housing providers meet strict environmental objectives. This has not only effected how we as builders design and build but also how we select materials and dispose of any waste arising from the work undertaken. As part of the design process we can advise on suitable materials and equipment that will help deliver a more environmentally friendly and sustainable property. This can range from increased thermal insulation, sustainable energy sources, and Greener sourced materials to name but a few. Another important consideration is not only what you use in the design but how you deal with waste and deleterious materials plus a consideration of the embodied energy within each material sourced.  (Embodied Energy is the Energy needed to make the material itself or in getting that material to the property location ie petrol used from warehouse etc)

There are now some strict requirements laid down that must be met and also guidelines in achieving higher objectives to offset the impact of this work to our environment. In doing so we must also attain a sustainable approach to meeting those objectives.

To that end Limewood Builders policy is to ensure there are a set of processes and requirements laid out throughout the building process and an auditable method of ensuring those are met. Limewood Builders also employs a standalone assessment and assessor to ensure not only our, as the builders, obligations are met but also that of the customers.

Environmental Builders Portsmouth
Of course it is understood that in meeting those requirements and objectives it is subject to the budgetary constraints of the customer, but by following an efficient and formulated assessment process we can provide the customer with the minimum of environmental objectives required but also with the options of utilising a higher level of those environmental objectives.

Limewood Builders have staff that are trained and hold recognised qualifications in ensuring compliance with all statutory obligations set out by legislation. Our staff have trained with many recognised agencies and trained in Domestic assessment and sustainable building methods as well as trained to carry out Code of Sustainable Homes assessments.

For professional and recommended Builders call Limewood Builders on :

023 9266 5966   /   023 8218 0519